Watch Full Carter High in High Definition Format
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see Carter High in High Quality Video with duration 110 Min and has been aired on 2015-10-30 with MPAA rating is 0.
- Original Title : Carter High
- Movie title in your country : Carter High
- Year of movie : 2015
- Genres of movie : Drama,
- Status of movie : Post Production
- Release date of movie : 2015-10-30
- Companies of movie : Tycor International Film Company, Sweet Chariot Productions, PlayNow Enterprise,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 110 Min
- Average vote of movie : 0
- Youtube ID of movie : bS7HPW7dX1Y
- Translation of movie : EN,
- Cast of movie :Vivica A. Fox (Mrs. James), Charles S. Dutton (Coach James), Pooch Hall (Coach Vonner), David Banner (Royce West), Reginald C. Hayes (Mr. Russeau), Nicole Holt (Lady In Taco Bueno), Aaron Maynard (Student football player), Leeanne Locken (Anchor #2), Lynn Andrews III (Keith), Robert Hayes (Gary), Larry Jack Dotson (Judge Kendall), Sheril Rodgers (Court Reporter), Marcus M. Mauldin (Officer Benson), Aundre Dean (Derric), Jenee' Amore' (Girl 2), Craig Cole (Robert), J. Alan Nelson (College Football Recruiter), Telvin Griffin (Football Coach), Sarah Shrimpton (High School Student), Orlando Valentino (Carlos), Michael W. Green (Mr. Edwards), James Larabee (Parent at game), Rod Hermansen (U.I.L attorney), Chris Goldman (High School Student), Sharice Henry Chasi (Ms. Williams), Kerry McCormick (Mrs. Armstead), Jennifer Dior (High School Student), Eric Window (Mr. Armstead), Ty Tornes (Football Player), Kendal Smith (Grant), Robb Hudspeth (Robbery Reporter), Fred Keel (Inmate), Kirk Griffith (Mr. Winston), Mack White III (Jessie), Shelby Chambers (Football Fan Extra), Jeremy G. Woods (Waterboy), Jena Maharramov (Natasha's Friend), Greg Ellis (Sports Caster #2), Jason Small (Attorney Hicks), Peyton 'Alex' Smith (Vincent), Morgan Larabee (Student at game), Josh Durham (Dan Henderson), Vernon Snoop Robinson (Referee 1), Aaron Carolina (Aaron / Football Player), Evan Horsley (Football player in front yard), Orlando Gallegos (Cameraman), Sulest Ballard (Female Employee), James Bonar (Manager), Major Attaway (Shift Manager), David Eaton (Arresting Police Officer), Fanisha Hill (Beautiful Cafeteria Girl), Rashaad Espie (Driver), Derrick Lè (Marcus), Kevin Brooks (Football Player), Josephus Sanders III (Roderick DeWitt), Aaliyah Muhammad (Tammy), Mike Vee (Attorney), Ashley Burks (Student #1), Kermel Yohannes (Carter High Student), Amberly Kamp (Manager's Girlfriend), Brandon Christle (PK), Mackenzie Clark (High School Student), Don Bowie (Attorney Hill), Tony Lee Yates (Oklahoma Sooner College Recruiter), LaKenya Moss (Teacher), Camry Parker (High School Student), Timothy Walter (Max), Hunter Barnett (Mr. Bates), Renee Miche'al Jones (Mrs. Edwards), Ken Marmon (Judge), Desmond Donahue (Mr. Campbell), Chanyc' Wiggins (Student), Justin Jackson (Manager), Freda Martin (Mrs. Evans), Mathew Addison (Blk Male #1), Taylor Carter (Special Ability Actor), Brandon Winnfield (Big Rob / exhausted lineman), Summer Glenn Walker (Fine Girl), Justin J. Collins (Blk Male #2), Ayanna Edwards (Cheerleader), Jeff Burleson (Sportswriter), Hope R. Parker (Cheerleader / Student), Tim Lovick (Oklahoma State College Recruiter), Bill Primerano (Plano West Spectator), Toddrick Johnson (Referee 2), Phillexus Gibson (Girl 1), Sarah Kay Heintze (Amber), K.C. Fox (Reporter), Larkin Lindner (Court Room Baliff), Xavier Mitchell (Xavier), Patrick Knoles (Robbery Reporter #1), Freddie James (Bus Driver), Freddie Coach James (Bus Driver), Sophia Knolton (Attorney #2), Paula A. Glenn (Courtroom Reporter), Gina Nacole (Office Secretary), Keith Milo (Student), Jonathan F. Alves (Student / football player), John Below (Correctional Officer), Sean Hunt (Inmate), Elle Vernee (Mrs. Campbell)
Movie summary of Carter High :Watch full Carter High in HD Format with movie summary "The true story of four student athletes from Carter High School in Dallas, Texas in the 1980s, whose bright futures irrevocably changed due to their off-field activities." in HD quality. Release Carter High in Top Quality by push of the download link.
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Director : Arthur Muhammad, Writer : Arthur Muhammad, Music : Giona Ostinelli, Cinematography : Ron Gonzalez, Editor : Arthur MuhammadYes, now you can view movie connected with
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Tags: football, sports,